Saturday 20 September 2008

Information Technology for Business Success

Watch the video and say if having smooth-running and secure information technology (IT) systems can provide a strong competitive advantage and help business be successful. Give your examples, use multimedia for illustration. Adeyeva Lyudmila is responsible for drawing a conclusion. The task should be fulfilled by 1 December.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, for businessmen today becomes very important not only understanding of necessity of introduction IT in the business, but also direct participation in working out and introduction of new technologies in manufacture. For this purpose it is not obligatory to be the expert in IT-sphere. Base knowledge becomes not simply competitive advantage, but also competitive necessity. In this video we have seen desire of people not to lag behind from progress using computers creates convenience of work, raises speed of manufacture of new clothes. However, I do not absolutely agree with opinion that Windows Vista is the best choice of OS for creative people such as fashion designers of clothes. In my humble opinion, best OS for the similar purposes is Mac OS by Apple inc.

Ella said...

I think that smooth-running and secure information technology (IT) systems can provide a strong competitive advantage and help business be successful. So, it can help to ensure some originality to your business. The expert of my multimedia example confirms this.

Eva said...

Many companies nowadays are reducing IT spending and looking at IT as a cost center. But that is great delusion! In many economic activities a smooth-running and secure information technology is essential for future success and prosperity of a business.
I’ve been working for an American company producing cosmetics. Their production was distributed in Russia and CIS. Using software specially created for accounting goods and turnover, each individual distributor could get the most relevant information (amount, weigh, etc.) about certain kind of goods 24/7. Moreover, information is structured for each trade zone; in our case it means division between countries and within certain zone it is arranged according to numerous production parameters.
Though it may seem to be complicated, the software is easy-to-operate and multifunctional. It allows collaborate with other distributors and combine all the necessary information that helps you to take the right decision.

DEM 403
Evgenia Balayan

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely agree with the main theme of this movie. It seems to be impossible to run a successful business without using modern IT tools. I would like to put some notice about one of the thousand IT, which helps to create such business tools.
The BDO Seidman Business Resource Network creates and implements business and IT solutions designed to improve performance. With a broad network of business and technology knowledge, they bring experts, technologies and capabilities to each client, helping reduce risk and maximize growth potential.
Company's professionals help senior business and IT managers optimize the people, processes and technology that are essential to business transformation. The practice is focused on integrating business strategy with process insights and technology skills to achieve well-defined results.
They know how to reduce costs, improve efficiency and drive technology ROI. By offering a full suite of services and solutions that leverage proven and emerging technologies, it's able to drive performance improvements throughout the enterprise, the IT function or the entire supply chain.
Services could include:
Finance/Treasury Management
Sales and Marketing;
Technology/Information Systems;
CPA Firm Services.
The Business Resource Network offers firms economies of scale and a broad array of services and depth of resources that are available in a national practice.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays, it’s already impossible to imagine our life without Information Technologies. The term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term is more recognizable than ever before. The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields, such as education, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware.
I completely agree with the main theme of this movie and also consider that IT in Business simplify collaboration, increase competitiveness and reduce costs. Now IT is what keep your business in line with the latest world standards and give you one of the prospective ways of making money.
I also found a relared video about IT, so maybe it will be interesting to watch it.

Anna Potapova said...

I agree with all the students that information technology systems provide a strong competitive advantage and help business to be successful. Nowadays, there is a great number of IT-companies that offer software and provide data, voice and video collaboration tools to help companies to increase productivity. Using information technology the company can be more productive through better collaboration. For example, when the company unveiling a new product to a remote sales team, the firm can organize a video call instead of the regular call for maximum impact. Also now it is possible with just a few clicks, quickly find out who's available and set up conference calls or online meetings. Access customer information wherever you are, so you can easily work with colleagues to resolve issues quickly. With multiple channels of communication it is possible to be always available—being out of the office no longer means being out of the loop. In the video you can see, how people can collaborate with each other anywhere in the world without ever leaving their desk.

Unknown said...

Ofcourse, I agree with my colleagues, who gave their opinion higher, as I suppose, it's indisputable fact that IT systems are important for business and sometimes it is more important than people, who work in the company.
Every of us understand that we all live in 21 century, where every developing or still great company must have reliable technical support; competitiveness is based not only on excellent product but also on the modern & strong software.
I have a deal with job, where IT play a role leaving at times on the leading item, however it's basic direction - not IT or something that. So, I can approve that different software, it's updating, service - all of that is too important for competitive activity and development.
And it's wonderful if you have people,who can do your business together with you and IT systems.

Unknown said...

Excuse me, I forgot something..=) My real name is Davydova Katya (DEM-403)

Dilyara said...

The single greatest benefit of IT is its ability to, not simply add, but multiply effort. It’s almost magical when technology turns the effort of one person into many.
Without any doubts having smooth-running and secure information technology systems can provide a strong competitive advantage and help business be successful.
It gives the business the following competitive advantages:
• Work Faster
• Work Less
• Work Safer
• Work Predictably
• Work Better
Put simply, technology helps business safely, and predictably, do more with less.
At the same time the latest IT is expensive. Today companies are rethinking the role of Information Technology (IT).
Information technology and Information systems for what they really are - powerful and valuable tools, but not magic. When applied thoughtfully, these tools can bring important benefits for individuals, organisations, and customers. When misapplied, they can waste tremendous amounts of time, effort, and money.,1,A CEO’s Perspective on the Strategic Use Of IT

tanya said...

I fully agree with this video, that for the successful running a business information technologies are needed. The effect of introduction of IT is attraction of new clients, increase of efficiency of activity of enterprise, strengthening of his positions at the market and achievement of strategic advantages.
The video about IT

Anonymous said...

All businesses will need to leverage technology if they are to remain competitive in the marketplace. You know the old saying “Use it or lose it”. And that definitely applies to technology. This part shouldn’t be too hard because you specifically choose your technology to support your goals. So if you’re serious about achieving those goals use the technology you have and incorporate it’s usage into your daily routine. New technologies come out every day that may tempt you with their “new and improved” proclamations. You really have to stay focused on your goals to make sure any decisions to purchase new or updated technology really supports your visions. Business needs changes so you want to ensure that your current technologies still supports your existing goals or new goals you may have. It helps to have a trusted technology advisor or resources such as technology blogs and articles you can turn to if you need to make a decision about your existing and new technology. Microsoft believes in a simple equation: the right people + the right tools = business success. But not everyone agrees. Some say that information technology (IT) has become so common that it confers few advantages on businesses that invest in it. Such arguments, however, focus on superficial measures such as total IT spending or the number of PCs per employee. As a result, they arrive at ambiguous and sometimes contradictory conclusions.

Darya Kuzmina, DEM 403

sergey korsikov said...

It is absolutely obvious for me that we can't imagine any modern company not using IT. In every field of business activity there is a process which can be called an "armament race" because every company invests a lot of money into developing IT to be better than the competitors. At the beginning of the "technology age" some managers doubted in the profitability of investments into IT (some of them hesitate even today), but in my opinion nowadays it is evident that if you don't improve IT you will be left far behind.

Not to sound proofless, i would like to provide you with the example of the world-leading store-network of Wal-Mart (besides, as far as i am concerned, this American giant is interested in Russian market and in absorption of "Auchan" store-network).

All the competitive advantages of Wal-Mart's IT can be seen in the following video:

You can watch it in my blog

or in YouTube

Thank you.

Alex S-R said...

I fully agree with the main idia in the movie.
Information Technology today is having impact on all trade industries and businesses, in science and education. It is affecting workers at all levels of organizations, from the executives to middle management and clerks.
I think using last technologies in buisness will always result in better efficiency and competitiveness. But there can be several ways how to improve/get some technology. I mean that many firms and corporations, often rather big ones, prefer not to use outside services (i.e. in software area) but to create their own equipment,software etc., which will answer thier purposes. This are such companies for example, as HP,Google which are known by their proprietary technologies , many scientific firms etc.
So I believe that in many cases the presence of talented and well-experienced leaders and clerks in certain buisness may be primarily for strong competitive advantages, and in order to effect the technological advance.


Anonymous said...

Уважаемая Людмила Владимировна, написав своё сообщение, я поняла, что оно написано кривым языком. примите пожалуйста переделанный вариант! заранее спасибо за понимание!!!
Presently, it is impossible to imagine our life without Information Technologies. Information technology can be defined as all technologies that encompass computer technology or software. Information technology is a term that has been gaining renown for the past few years because of innovative companies in this booming industry.
If companies want to be winners within the competitive market, they need to use different hardware and software products, implement different business applications to improve production, storage, communication and distribution and other business processes. Implementing IT helps to more effectively analyze day-to-day activities, reduce costs, increase management control, improve availability of company’s resources and output quality, secure critical business information etc.
Any company that uses IT to offer services is an information technology company. IT professionals perform a wide variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. With the expansion of technology into the business world, many businesses have been forced to add an information technology department into the business structure of the company to keep all the IT infrastructure and applications running continuously. These information technology departments are often responsible for Internet connections, websites, eCommerce etc.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the video, excepting the recommendation of Windows Vista as the OS for creative people(despite that it's a Microsoft video:-)).
I suppose that today in buisness you must not only have IT system in your buisness but have it always updated and enhancing to provide the great success to your buisness.
For example there is an IT management software, that reduces costs and produces business outcomes, and many other software that can help better organize your buisness.
Корышев Владислав. ЯКТ-203

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the students that Information technologies help business to be successful.
IT enables industry professionals, manufacturers and suppliers, company analysts and consultants to evaluate and better manage the risks, and exploit business opportunities, in global markets.
Today, the vast majority of business processes — across the company and just about everywhere else — are running on IT. Nearly half of all current U.S. capital outlays are IT-related. So technology no longer merely supports the business. In a very real sense, technology powers the business. IT risks are now business risks. IT opportunities are now business opportunities. IT expenditures are now business investments. And IT decision-makers are now accountable for setting strategic business directions and producing positive business results. IT helps to reduce company’s costs, control risks. Information technologies have become an accelerator of business growth.

Арендарчук Наталья, ДЭМ-403

Anonymous said...

I’m agree that information technology (IT) systems can provide a strong competitive advantage and help business be successful. Because information play a great role in our own life and, of course, in business. Using IT technology you may expect good results. If you have a modern information about necessary processes, you may develop cooperation, you may develop all your system in time. Also IT technology can help you to coordinate with your partners, to find new communications. But the main role is the decrease of risk. The more information you have, the fewer risk level.
So, if you implement IT technology in your business nowadays, it can help you to reach excellent results and occupy a good place in the market.
Anastasiya Gornakova, DEM-403

Anonymous said...

I’m agree that information technology (IT) systems can provide a strong competitive advantage and help business be successful. Because information play a great role in our own life and, of course, in business. Using IT technology you may expect good results. If you have a modern information about necessary processes, you may develop cooperation, you may develop all your system in time. Also IT technology can help you to coordinate with your partners, to find new communications. But the main role is the decrease of risk. The more information you have, the fewer risk level.
So, if you implement IT technology in your business nowadays, it can help you to reach excellent results and occupy a good place in the market.

Anastasiya Gornakova, DEM-403

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the students, and also can add that information technology and business are converging.Today, the vast majority of business processes — across companies and just about everywhere else — are running on IT.IT opportunities are now business opportunities. IT expenditures are now business investments. And IT decision-makers are now accountable for setting strategic business directions and producing positive business results.In a very real sense, technology powers the business.
I found an interesting video, concerning the role of IT in entrepreneurship.
Here it is :
Maria Rybakova, DEM-403

Tanya said...

Presently, it is impossible to imagine our life without Information Technologies. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. Information technology can be defined as all technology that encompasses computer technology or software. Information technology is a term that has been gaining renown for the past few years because of innovative companies in this booming industry.
If companies wish to be sure that they will be winners, they use computers and other technological devices to implement these applications to better production, manipulation, storage, communication and distribution in the every day life of citizens. However, when information technology applies to the use of communications combined with technology, it is referred to as being part of the infotech industry.
Any company that uses computers for various reasons, to offer services is an information technology company. With the expansion of technology into the business world, many businesses have been forced to include an information technology department to keep all computer systems and programs running at all times. These information technology departments are often responsible for Internet connections, websites, eCommerce and more.
Казанкова Таня

Anonymous said...

That's one of my favorite topics actually. The thing is that information itself becomes a very important asset for a company nowadays. And the more innovative company is the more important information and corporate knowledge are. If we take a look at any knowledge management theory we'll see that IT infrastucture is an essential part of the company's knowledge producing and sharing. What's the easiest way to share information about the local innovation among all the company's specialists (especially if we talk about a TNC with 10k+ employees)? Of course the best way is to formalize this knowledge and put it into the company's intranet which is accessable for all the staff. Why is it important to increase the speed of local innovations' application? Because local innovations usually allow company to increase profits and decrease costs. If we consider the company with huge outputs such an advantage may bring billions of dollars. The good example is Xerox Company that used on-line video inspection of its devices' use by customers and understood the way it worked was too complicated. The consequenсe was the simplification of the devices' operation and the invention of the graphical interface that is still the most popular solution for vast electronics producers. But the most incredible thing is that Xerox managed to launch the new product in 1,5 months all because of the system of corporate knowledge sharing.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that today everybody understands the importance of information in our life, and as a result the help of IT in the business. Tastes differ, and it's up to you to choose which OS is the most appropriate for your exact company.
However, experience makes people challenged about the endless potential of modern informational technologies. They keep your business in line with the latest world standards and give you one of the prospective ways of making money. Besides, IT help to result in improving the efficiency, reducing the costs of the company, and it's really important in the terms of market economy, where survive only the best.
To sum up, there're still businessmen who consider IT to be a complicated system, absolutely unapproachable and impossible to implement, but they make insignificant minority.
And we all perfectly understand that from day to day our life becomes better, problems are easier to be solved and isn't it wonderful to enjoy all the benefits of the new century?