Saturday 20 September 2008

Electronic Commerce

ECommerce is still quickly gaining popularity among Web users young and old. It is, however, important to realize the main pros and cons of starting and running an online business. Watch the video and say what the main advantages and disadvantages of eCommerce are. What is the secret of successful eCommerce? Polyakov Oleg is responsible for drawing a conclusion. The task should be fulfilled by 1 November.


Anonymous said...

Макарская Екатерина,ЯЭЭ-103В,ДЭК-101.
E-commerce has the next advantages:
-convinience of shopping
-secure protection (using your own password)
-access is limited for outsiders
-lack of security defence for commercial activity
-consumers' district
secrets of successful:
-customer loyality
-secure protection (using own password)
-decrease of costs

Kiykova_Yulya said...

I looked video and I think that, E-Commerce is a next step in development of world economy.
In my opinion, it is a revolutionary step. E-commerce is concerned with attracting new customers and therefore it involves advertising, public relations and collecting information for and about customers.
The main advantages of e-commerce:
- lower transaction
- availability
- large quantity of information
- providing "up-to-date" information
- comparing prices and products
- quickness
Disadvantages of E-Commerce
- hard to make yourself "visible"
- hard to differ from competition
- hard to make people buy something
- money
- legality
-privacy and security
What are secrets of successful e-Commerce?
One way to keep your customers, and get new ones is to offer attractive deals on your products. Savings are always appealing and well-structured promos that offer the customer a good price will be very effective for your product.

Anonymous said...

Салий Богдан,ЯЭЭ-103B,ДЭК-101.
Advantages of E-comerce:
1)It is not necessary to leave the house.
2)Possibility to read the comment of other consumers on some goods.
1)The consumer needs to have the computer and the Internet.
2)It is impossible to see the goods really.
secrets of successful:
1)To reduce the price of the goods to the market.
2)To make delivery free!

Gracheva Olga said...

Грачева Ольга, ЯКТ-201а, ДКО-201

I want to say some words about the secrets of success.
It depends on customers' loyalty. To attract people a company like TESCO should provide secure, highly performing, reliable platform. It is necessary to purchase latest equipment.
A lot of customers want to have an opportunity to do the shopping 24 hours a day. And I think, ALL customers want the delivery to be free (I agree with Bogdan).
Company must provide full confidence.
And, of course, low prices cheer up any customer!

Anonymous said...

I think that Ecommerce is really perspective development way. But as everything in this world it has some advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantages are:
-Wide range of products can be introduced in one place with all information about them.
-Lower prices
-fast transactoins
and etc.
But now it also has many disadvantages:
-High level of competition(it will be really hard to start your own business and make it profitable)
-many people still don't believe in Internet technologies.
-low level of security
and etc.
I don't think that there are secrets of successful eCommerce. If businessman is talented it doesn't matter where he'll sell his products in real life or in virtual
I'm using online shops for 4 years and i've never been tricked by false shops or bad product. it's very conveniently for me to buy goods in Internet(the only BIG problem is Russian Mail System...Last time in take 3 month to receive a parsel from USA and its wrapping was in very bad condition)

Anonymous said...

Криворучко Андрей, ЯКТ-201а, ДКО-201
I fully agree with everything that has been said above and I'd like to add that E-commerce is a rapidly growing field and probably with time we will not even go to shops or supermarkets but simply order anything we want on the Internet and wait for the delivery. However, this brings up several problems. For example, the crash of company's server could lead to the loss of important information about customers, their orders and opinions. Also, this could even result in stopping of all shop's activities for some time. And it is a fact that any system can be hacked, so even the best security protection doesn't give 100% safety.

sakura89 said...

Скорнякова Александра. ДКО-201. ЯКТ-201а
I think that the idea of ensuring easy business between company and company's customers is simple. However, the practice of this vision is difficulty. First of all, there is a need for a visionary leader, especially one who has a marketing career, and then to well-thought investments, to the managers who are in harmony with each other and to information technology visioners.

And I think that the main advantage that can be achieved from e-commerce is access the global marketplace .
The Internet spans the world, and it is possible to do business with any business or person who is connected to the Internet. Simple local businesses such as specialist record stores are able to market and sell their offerings internationally using e-commerce. This global opportunity is assisted by the fact that, unlike traditional communications methods, users are not charged according to the distance over which they are communicating.

Anonymous said...

Корватовский Николай, ЯКТ-201а, ДКО-201

eCommerce was started many years ago, but we felt and start use it only one-two years ago. It happened because our country in this sphere is behind Europe and entire world generally.

Today I can easily get any good, which I want, with eShops help.
I can view perfect, exclusive and cheap items it European and American internet shops. I see lowest bids on eBay for by favourite Nike, which I bought in Russia for double or even triple price!
But I powerless about it, because most shops in the world doesnt have delivery in my country, unfortunaly.
I`m in love with eCommerce, but today I can`t enjoy it perfectly, for my great disappointment.

Anonymous said...

E-commerce is a growing strategy that more and more businesses are realizing is necessary to have as part of their business model. Unfortunately it can be a complicated solution that requires knowledge of many back-end functional components that most entrepreneurs aren't familiar with.

Determine a good business name for your e-commerce store and then purchase a domain name for the name of your store. The name should have a keyword that people would use to find your products and/or services.
Sign up with a quality web hosting provider. It should have at least one SQL database, and can do server side scripting, such as SHTML, PHP, and/or CGI scripting and at least 300Mb of space.
Use a good shopping cart. The shopping cart needs to do the following:

1) Allow multiple simultaneous users.
2) Keep a running total of the costs.
3) Finalize the order.

Create a good database - The database is usually used to:

1) Keep customer data
2) Create customer personalization
3) Keep product data
4) Hold shopping cart contents
5) Integrate with other systems
Accept credit cards.

As for the main pros and cons:

These advantages include things like:

-Being able to sell products 24/7 and make money while asleep.
-Being able to appeal to a wider audience not limited by the physical. What this means is that people don't have to live in the same city or state to buy your products
-The ability to use ecommerce as a marketing tool to a businesses name out into the world to drive more sales and game to a company or business.
-Speed. Much to my personal dismay, computers seem to not only be able to think faster than humans, but they can sell products faster too.
-Effort. Much of the effort of having to ring up a customer, fill out their information, and serve the customer are stripped away and essentially put on the customer themselves. This is also known as self service.

All of these advantages however seem to cover up the most apparent disadvantages despite their over-reaching repercussions. Drawbacks such as the ones listed below could destroy a business if they ever occurred:

-100% online businesses rely on platforms, servers, and technology that can crash at any point in time rendering the business useless.
-Online sales completely take away the personality that you get from human interaction. These human interactions sometimes drive sales up and open new leads
-Lawsuits. Ecommerce websites are vulnerable (no matter what people say) to hacking and digital theft which will leave you and your business wide open for lawsuits if any of your customers suspect this happened because of purchasing something through your website.

Bakaldina Viktoria said...

I think that advantages of eCommerce additionally to all above are that it's much easier to make shoppings because of accessibility of the internet. So almosts everyone can find there something he like and to oder it, and then he can get it. Yes, he has to pay for the delivery but what a difference if he will pay to a courier who will deliver his stuff right to his home or to pay price premium for the same stuff and when he will by it in the common store he will has to bring it home on his own. In many cases costs are equal, and sometimes in the first way they can be even cheeper.

As for disadvanteges, the competer system, which perfom operations on the process of bying or something like that,should be good working. It mest not contain errors, and server where data are keeping should be cared carefully. Because if the server will fall it would be a great desaster for the company cause it can be a reason of the lost of many preacious data.

So what can I say about the secrets of succes... well some of them are simple and I wrote them above, other depend on a spesification of the current company. And other are the same that non-eComerce companyes should use. They are: right advetising, a good qality of goods/services, the right choise of targer market etc.

Anonymous said...

Кашников Сергей, ЯКТ-201а, ДКО-201

As it seems to me, eCommerce - our future. I work in the environment of introduction of electronic technologies and I know, that it is very favourable to both sides. Advantages are obvious:
- Convenience;
- Safety;
- Stability;
- Instant updating the information;
Disadvantage is just absence of skills of work at some people. But this problem is easily solved:)
So, eCommerce - our future!

By the way, excellent avatar ;)

Anonymous said...

Синьковский Дмитрий ЯКТ-202а

Electronic commerce involves everything from ordering "digital" content for immediate online consumption, to ordering conventional goods and services, to "meta" services to facilitate other types of electronic commerce.
- purchasing anything from books, grocery to expensive items like real estate
- online banking like online bill payments, buying stocks, transferring funds from one account to another, and initiating wire payment to another country
- all these activities can be done with a few keystrokes on the keyboard
- security
- confidentiality
- the customers’ orders can be handled immediately
- comfort
- threats
- high competition
- the copyright problem
- privacy

I think, it is need to have some creative and unique ideas to success in eCommerse, because there is a very high competition now.

Anonymous said...

Prikazchikova Mary ЯКТ-202а

Advantages of e-commerce:
•It’s easy to use for anyone;
•applications work quickly and all the wishes and the requirements of customers can be handled immediately;
•accessibility – it attracts a large audience every time, nowadays a lot of people use internet;
•e-commerce involves advertising, design and what not, it gives a large field of work for another services;
•it gives a lot of information, which refreshes every day;
•customers can compare prices and products;
•for businessmen who run such business, the plus that they can manage it everytime, it’s not depends on place or time;

Disadvantages of e-commerce:
•a large competition in this sphere;
•privacy and security;
•needs time for delivery of products (sometimes it’s rather easy to go to the shop and over some minutes you will have you need);
•to buy smth. sometimes you should pay by web-money, it’s not comfortable, because if you choose the product and you have no money, first of all you should go to fill up your web-purse;
•problems with returning goods, sometimes it’s impossible;
•in the internet you can’t really estimate the product (i.e. size, quality etc. );
•businessmen should convince their potential customers to visit and buy on their cite;

Regards to the key of success, first of all it should be noted that it is depends on customers loyalty, you should do everything for your customers and they will choose your company. Also, I should add that business in the internet has no borders in development, the audience is to large and your main aim just to attract them and explain that your conditions are profitable.

Anonymous said...

Balashova Ekaterina ЯКТ-202а
E-commerce has the next advantages:
- Ecommerce allows people to carry out businesses without the barriers of time or distance. One can log on to the Internet at any point of time, be it day or night and purchase or sell anything one desires at a single click of the mouse.
- The direct cost-of-sale for an order taken from a web site is lower than through traditional means (retail, paper based), as there is no human interaction during the on-line electronic purchase order process. Also, electronic selling virtually eliminates processing errors, as well as being faster and more convenient for the visitor.
- Ecommerce is ideal for niche products. Customers for such products are usually few. But in the vast market place i.e. the Internet, even niche products could generate viable volumes.
- Another important benefit of Ecommerce is that it is the cheapest means of doing business.
- The day-to-day pressures of the marketplace have played their part in reducing the opportunities for companies to invest in improving their competitive position. A mature market, increased competitions have all reduced the amount of money available to invest. If the selling price cannot be increased and the manufactured cost cannot be decreased then the difference can be in the way the business is carried out. Ecommerce has provided the solution by decimating the costs, which are incurred.
- Operational benefits of e commerce include reducing both the time and personnel required to complete business processes, and reducing strain on other resources. It’s because of all these advantages that one can harness the power of ecommerce and convert a business to ebusiness by using powerful turnkey ecommerce solutions made available by ebusiness solution providers.

Anonymous said...

To my mind the advantages of online business are:

1) very big potential audience(very many people now have internet, internet provides you many cheap ways to arrange effective and cheap marketing company)
2) easy access to the products of business(people contact you through internet and thus for instance if they by something they order it and get it with the help of delivery or come and get it in the office accurately packed and without any queues and delays).

Because of this two reasons such business will be popular with customers that will use it more and more times.

The disadvantages of online business in my opinion are

1) insecurity of online systems (your systems will be attacked constantly with hackers and people that are seeking light money and it is not very light to defend your servers and computers)
2) another thing is high competition(even now there are LOTS of different internet markets, many of them are not honest but people can simply click the first link in Google and use the first service they see and this service can be not your)

All in all online business as real can be successful and can ravage your pockets.

Anonymous said...

The advantages of eCommerce are:
(for retailers)
*Customers can shop in their own time, and an online store doesn't require live salespeople.
*Offering online shopping lets vendors save cost on employees.

(for consumers)
*With online shopping, consumers can pre-order hot items to avoid standing in lines.
*Well-written Web site can do double (or triple) duty as a marketing and advertising tool, a salesperson and a cashier, all wrapped up in one.As I think it is very convenient.
*Buying goods and services online saves time, offers greater selection, allows for independent research.
*Besides it is much cheaper
to buy goods in eShops.

The disadvantages of eCommerce are:
*Goods need to be delivered, which takes time and sometimes costs money.
*The Internet is an effective conduit for visual and auditory information: seeing pictures, hearing sounds and reading text(we can see pictures of the flowers, but not smell their fragrance).

That's all that i wanted to add about advantages and disadvantages of eCommerce.

Secret of successful eCommerce is not to betray consumers's trust.

O. Polyakov said...

Поляков Олег, ЯКТ-202А

Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a new type of business which involves the transfer of information across the Internet. E-commerce covers many types of trading such as consumer based retail sites, through auction or music sites and virtual auction houses so on.

E-commerce has expanded with the growth of Internet. It is not very popular in Russia yet, but that should be just a matter of time.

What are the main advantages of e-commerce?
— it a allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance
— it is easy to use and does not require any special software or computer knowledge
— it's use range is limited only by Internet spread range (and nowadays that means everywhere :)
— it's cheaper! Companies don't have to pay the building rent and seller's salaries
— customers can easily compare goods

Now let's see the disadvantages.
They are:
— you really have to trust the company you buy from, as you are giving them your name, address and credit card data
— the company should develop and maintain the security system to protect customer's data
— it takes time to deliver the goods
— sometimes it's hard to estimate the product only by it's photograph and characteristics

How to succeed in e-commerce?
Let's see...
First of all and most importaint: you should develop a web site which will represent your company on the Internet. The site should be easy to use and nice to see.

The second thing is your security system. The video tells us about TESCO company. They spend a lot of resources to be sure customer's data is fully protected.

The next thing is your logistic system. You have to deliver goods to your customers!

The last thing is customer's confidence and popularity. Not only advertisments are importaint. Often real customer's feedback is more informative than flashing banner!

Anonymous said...

Латфуллина Ирина, ЯКТ-202а,ДКЕ-202

There are many advantages and disadvantages for customers, business and non-profit organisations to apply electronic commerce. Through the Internet, different levels of product information can be accessed online globally, which makes it easy for customers to compare and evaluate. Business can provide wide range of choices to extend markets and opportunities. With contribution to digital goods and services, customers could save delivery time; business could reduce operating cost and increase profit. The drawback of E-commerce is the different expectations of goods such as clothes sales online when customers are purchasing. Another disadvantage is the privacy and security issues of customers’ credit card detail.
E-commerce introduces incredible benefits, such as the diffusion of information, the development of new technologies, the promotion and sales of products and services, and the collaboration between those in a supply chain

Anonymous said...

eCommerce has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage for the clients is a great convenience of shopping and since a lot of people are interested in this service shop will always have a profit and a solid market position. However to keep this position shop must answer to a high customers demands which include reliable service that runs 24 hours a day and security of their personal information. So staying in this market means that the shop must run good maintenance on the site to make sure it is available to the user, find a way to decrease large electronic energy siphoning, find means to protect customers personal info and source code of the applications from the third parties, earn customers trust and always come up with the way to compete with rival shops. My opinion is that secret of successful eCommerce is to gain customers trust and try not to disappoint them. That way your shop will always have a stable income.

Anonymous said...

Кондрина Валентина, ЯКТ-203а
Electronic commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks(
eCommerce is very popular now! You don't have to go out of your home to buy anything! You just click-click your mouse and get product in hours or in minutes. Nowadays everything is selling over the Internet in eStores. You can buy music, files or mp3 players and even cars. Usually prices in eStores are lower than in real stores.
But there are some disadvantages of eCommerce. If you are looking for some photo cam and choosing between similar models, it will be hard to chose one, because you can't touch it, try it.