Friday 19 September 2008

How to be Successful in Business

Watch the video and say how to achieve business success. If possible, use multimedia for illustration. Ann Borisova and Nadya Donesko are responsible for drawing a conclusion. The task should be fulfilled by 1 December.


Petrova said...

Of course,success in business comes down to how well you know business. But character plays great role too, isn't it?Really can person, who haven't so traits of character as attentiveness,purpose, ability to manage and something like that, be successful in bussiness? certainly he can't!do you agree with me? If you don't, can you show me so businessman?

Maxim Kolchin ЯЭЭ-102а said...

I almost agree with you, thaht character plays great role. But if person understand how to be successful in business his character won't be for him a big problem. For example lots of businessmen's got hard character, they've reached the top of whealth.

Donesko Nadya яээ-102а said...

I agree that success in business depend on your knowledge of business. You must be original and creative, otherwise your business don’t develop. Also your success in business depends on your practice, your training and your possession of information in world market which change every day.
But I can’t agree that character influences on success, although temperament influences on character. If person has great ability for business activity he will choose profession in this sphere occupation. And if he hasn’t it he will throw in himself lot with another activity, because it will be not interesting. Of course, several persons begin to devote himself to business activity only prove their families, themselves or anybody else that they can do anything if they want. That’s why I can’t completely agree with Olga.

Zygi said...

ЯЭЭ - 212в
Лукашева Елена
I fully agree with Petrova, but would like to add that, of course, the knowledge and skills help to succeed in business, but I think that the crucial role played by this society and the ability to communicate with people and teamwork.Therefore, people hold different Trainings. I found and would like to offer one of these trainings for Network Marketing

Ермолина_ЯЭЭ-103В said...

Business success depends on many factors. In my opinion, the main is knowledge of business. Also practice influences on success. Businessman should be creative and capable of working.
I agree with maxim. Character helps to be successful. But if person doesn't know business, he/she won't be successful.

Anonymous said...

Every day, new businesses are created. Some of these businesses will succeed, but many will fall by the wayside.
What does success mean? "Success - achievement of something planned or attempted."

And, of course, I agree with everyone, but want to try answering the questions:
How to achieve business success today?
Firstly, you have to answer the questions yourself: "How well do you know business?" and "What do you know in the business?"
Secondly, there are 10 rules for building a successful business:
- commit to your business;
- share your profits with all your associates? And treat them as partners;
- motivate your partners;
- communicate everything you possibly can to partners;
- appreciate everything your associates do for the business;
- celebrate your success;
- listen to everyone in your company and get them talking;
- exceed your customer's expectations;
- control your expenses better than your competition;
- swim upstream, set a goal and back it with a burning desire.
Thirdly, if you really want to be successful you need to keep up with new ideas and techniques, use modern computerized technologies and achievement.
Fourthly, you must think fast, make fast decisions; get to the market faster than your competitors.
Finally, if you are interested in business, you can have specialized training.
So, if you will keep all the point above, you can achieve business success.

Arhantist said...

Бажанов Александр ЯЭЭ-212в
Of course, you can be successful in business only if you know business) But I think that this is not a deciding factor. I think that you can be successful in business only if you work in the team and the team work well. No one can work well alone. Even if you know business brilliant you can't do everything by youself. You need someone to help you.

Krivtsova Yulya said...

Krivtsova YULYA, ЯЭЭ-214
Every day, new businesses are created. Some of these businesses will succeed, but many will fall by the wayside.
What does success mean? "Success - achievement of something planned or attempted."

And, of course, I agree with everyone, but want to try answering the questions:
How to achieve business success today?
Firstly, you have to answer the questions yourself: "How well do you know business?" and "What do you know in the business?"
Secondly, there are 10 rules for building a successful business:
- commit to your business;
- share your profits with all your associates? And treat them as partners;
- motivate your partners;
- communicate everything you possibly can to partners;
- appreciate everything your associates do for the business;
- celebrate your success;
- listen to everyone in your company and get them talking;
- exceed your customer's expectations;
- control your expenses better than your competition;
- swim upstream, set a goal and back it with a burning desire.
Thirdly, if you really want to be successful you need to keep up with new ideas and techniques, use modern computerized technologies and achievement.
Fourthly, you must think fast, make fast decisions; get to the market faster than your competitors.
Finally, if you are interested in business, you can have specialized training.
So, if you will keep all the point above, you can achieve business success.

Anonymous said...

Smelyanskaya Valentina ЯЭЭ-214в
I agree with the point of view of this video's announcer. But i have few words in addition to the announcer's speach.
At first you should have enough temperament and great mental skills. Not only knowledges of bussines are required.
In other words you should be wide-profile specialist - it is mandatory to have knowledges of accounts, economics and analytics.
Further you have to know basic knowledges of bussines keeping culture in the country at which you decide to "make money".
You need enough power and patience, and at the end you should be just a lucky person.
By the way main goal of bussines is profit earning, so head of the company should know, how to coordinate his people to reach this objective.
So, successful bussinesman should follow technological progress, renovate and extend his knowledges.

mmmyalina said...

Мялина М,ДЭФ-203.
I agree with opinion of E.Lukashova that important role plays communicate person and team in achievement of the success in business.Because to be a success is not always to be a success individually. In fact, most of the time we achieve our successes as part of a team

Anonymous said...

Terskaya Asya яээ 103б

I do agree with Petrova,but i would like to add, that to be successful in business, bustnessman must have some trades of character.Firstly, he must be hardworking and purposeful, besides he must be punctual and he must be able to work in team. Of course, businessman must be very clever and trusty. This trades of character are very important.

Anonymous said...

ЯЭЭ - 212в
Блинова Анна
I think, everybody knows Bill Gates. He was the richest man in the world for a while. Everybody knows his creation(brainchild)- Microsoft. There's a documentary film that tell about how he reached this. Beside story of Bill Gates there's a story of Steve Jobbs. I like this film a lot, I recommend you to watch it. It called is "Silicon. valley"

Anonymous said...

Business is a serious, hard and organised work which is created not for every person, and only the strongest man can achieve the success in business.
Business is a row of positive and negative emotions, critical situations, rivalry and competition, and to go through it you must have strong-willed, hard and strict character, to go to the purpose overcoming all on the way.
You never reach the success in business being weak, unbalanced, nonorganized and uncertain.
Therefore the character is the important factor in it, and also in building sucessful business you should have luck and fortune.

Anonymous said...

First of all,I think, the base of the successefull business is good knowledge not only of business but of life generally. To be successfull in the life help your character. If you original, creativ and hard persjn you achiev the aim. Otherwise your business do not develop. Next important point is the work in the team. To make bisiness alone is possible but not always effective. Onle the good team help you to develop your
bisiness successfull. To get the strong team must help your character. You must not only the well-wishing person but very qualified and consistent. All the opinians above are right, but I want to add more the fortune in the bisiness is very important too. The special trainings and practice together with good knowledges is the key of the successfull bisiness.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt I agree with that point of view. I also think that knowing business is a key to successeding in business. Without that "skill" nobody can reach any top in this type of activity. But for results these qualities are not enough. In my opinion sizable role in achieving business success play good fortune, intuition and experts' advices.

Gafarova Gylia said...

Гафарова Гюльджан, ЯЭЭ-214В

I agree with Krivtsova Yulya and Smelyanskaya Valentina. I think Yulya described foreign successful (i.e. how businesses can achieve recognition and respect of other companies) and Valentina made an emphasis on internal system, management of firm. I want to tell my point of view.
In my opinion business’s successful depends at first on intrinsic organization. Precondition is solidary collective bringing new creative ideas and competent manager who knows the right method of approach. All that ensure stability in firm. However, it is not enough for successful. Also good qualitative advertising (commercial, poster panel advertising) provides successful. In the modern word great importance does internet advertising: appearance of site, simplicity and truth of information.
Thus general parts of successful are solidary collective, competent management and good advertising. It’s my point of view on the question how to achieve successful.

Anonymous said...

яээ-121в.Kochubey Konstantin.
I think that success in business possible if know business. Knowledge of business plays a great role. But if you don’t know business, trainings would help you. I think that education plays a great role in making you a successful businessman. But I don’t think that if you’ll graduate from institute, you’ll be a great businessman. Success in business depends on many factors, such as teamwork, character etc.

MEPHiSTO said...

Эмин Арыхов ДЭФ-201
I agree that character of the person influences its activity. But except character there are many factors influencing success of the person in business.Сolour of hair or eyes of the person are not important in success in business, but here colour of skin, undoubtedly, as that influences it. Possibly growth and weight of the person too mean here a little, but here formation of the person really affects. With good formation and knowledge of several languages it will be easier to person to attend to business. And still the important role is played by purposefulness.

Макарская Катя,ЯЭЭ-103В said...

Макарская Екатерина,ЯЭЭ-103В
My point of view coinsides with Petrova and Kolchin Maxim: if you want to achieve business success, yoy must know this activity very well. Also it is very important for businessman to have a determined character. I want to add that your business will rise, if you are adapted for this activity and you have habits of management, of cource.

Anonymous said...

Макарская Екатерина,ЯЭЭ-103В
My point of view concides with Petrova and Kolchin Maxim: if you want to achieve business success, you must know this activity very well. Also it is very important for businesses to have a determined character. I mant to add that your business will rise, if you are adapted for this activity and you have habits of management.

Anonymous said...

think that success in business depends on your person. Also you success in business depends on your knowledge of business . You must drawing on different businessman experience in your work. And of course, character plays dominant role in your career, you must be purposeful, skilful, clever, communicative and you must have creative ideas. And also you have knowledge of several languages. At regular interval you should pass courses of raising the lever of business skill.

Anonymous said...

Пущина Анна ЯЭЭ-103b

According to the text,succes in buisness comes down to how well you know buisness.Moreover,it depends on how well you see different trends and patterns.And the most useful way to improve all of this skills is training.Because you can learn not only whole financial structure which helps you to run your own buisness but also teach you how to avoid and deal with many problems.
In my opinion the best way to have a succes in buisness is to start a small buisness just like a try.Who knows,maybe you will be a good buisnessmam and soon your buisness will grow up?...

prostoart said...

Сизяков Артем ЯЭЭ-103в

I think, you will be successful in business if you are stress steady and not to be afraid of difficulties. And you must have a good fantasy because in our we have to solve some business problems in an extraordinary way. Businessman should be confident of success, else his colleagues may decline to cooperate with him. In other respects I agree with the other opinion.

Anonymous said...

Волков Н. яээ 103В дэк - 101
I think that to be successful in business, bustnessman must have some special characteristics. First of all bustnessman must be able to make fast and reasonable decision. He must be energetic and independent person. And of course he must have some knowledge of business. I think I will be successful bustnessman but I do not have enough business experience now...

Anonymous said...

Hydounatov Zhan - YAEE-119B
When the same specializaed in a bussines scince person work with economy unformation he knows,how to make his job more prodyctivity.I expect that development of business is a practice in mathematics,philosoph,finance,economy,expense practice.In my opinion successful bussinesman should be more literate in all themthelf priority.First of all buisnessmen should be orginize a process of logic thinking.

Denis Salomasov said...

In my opinion, sucess in buisness doesnt come down to how well you know buisness. Knowledge is only a part of sucess. There are people in buisness who dont have good education but still are sucessfull, and people with economical education who failed in it. Character plays bigger role, i think, because if you can communicate with people well and UNDERSTAND what they want, its very easy to make deals with them. If you can feel other people`s emotions it can help alot while carrying negotiations, for example.
If you like buisness and feel yourself "like fish in the water" there, knowledge is not a problem. So, my point is
The most important is: Character
Then: Aspiration
And only the last is: Knowledge

Anonymous said...

Illarionov Artyom, яээ-101а

Well, in my opinion any individual can be a successful businessman if he is clever and smart. But he also should have a great knowledge of business because in the other way only “luck and fortune” can help. Besides, your success in business depends a lot on different trends and patterns, the way you adapt and some practice & training.

Anonymous said...

Панов Виктор яээ-102а
I agree with everything people told here, but to my mind if you want to be sucessful in business you'll have to be outstanding personality and if you have everything you need for it you'll be sucessful in business.

Anonymous said...

Яскевич Ольга яээ102а
I agree with the previous students. Of course, success in business is impossible without knowledge. But character plays vital role too. And, in my opinion, successful business is impossible without team work, and every businessmen, who wants to be really successful, must know, how to organise the process.

Anonymous said...

Булдаков Максим(ЯЭЭ-101а)

The main factor of success in business is your skill.So in the future you won't have any serious problem with your own business if you are businesslike.
Other important thing is about organisation.A good enterpriser creates harmonious crew to work efficiently.
And the last:clever businessman is straightforward with own personal and with other people(because it improves reputation).

Anonymous said...

Корнейков Владимир, ЯЭЭ-214В
I think the important role plays education. Not educated person cannot reach greater successes. So success in business depends of knowledge of business. To reach greater successes in your work, you must know all cunning of this business

Anonymous said...

аллахвердян н. яээ-213
It is a lot of ways of achievement of success in business, but the confident result gives only their rational, and in an ideal — an optimum combination. All it proves to be true experience of last years. There are firms which in the conditions of economic changes confidently strengthen the positions and annually double sales volumes. Nearby there are other firms which spend for advertising even more means, but cannot reach excess on level of constant clients, as well as stable growth. As has shown the analysis of every possible variants of strengthening of positions of firms, there are no those separate bricks or separate elements, simply having combined which, it is possible to achieve success in business. Bright feature of achievement of success in business is the technological combination of measures or factors. The essence of the given position is reduced to that just as in technology strictly certain combination a component which provides demanded result is necessary, in business the success is reached on the basis of strictly defined combinations of measures. As proof of it it is possible to result many facts when the simple set of known progressive actions did not give success, for example, a combination of such actions, as reduction of prices, quality improvement, nomenclature expansion. In actual fact it appeared that there is a weak link, for example a small commodity stock or insufficient level of service which has not allowed to be pushed forward, and, on the contrary, became a development brake. As in each concrete firm there is an originality connected with its position, premises, the shots, the chosen specialisation, a contingent of clients, also a combination of actions for success achievement — a miscellaneous.

Anonymous said...

Ann Borisova and Nadya Donesko ЯЭЭ-102а
How to be successful in business? This question does not have a particular answer. From the one side everything depends on you.
Business is a serious, hard and organized work which is given not everybody, and only a strong man can attain success in business.
Business is a row of positive and negative emotions, critical situations, competition and competition, and, to get through all of it, you must have decisive, hard and character, swiftly to go to the purpose and overcome everything on the way.
You never achieve success in business, if you weak, easily unbalanced, no organized and lacking in self-confidence. Because: "Success - achievement of something planned or attempted". You must be original and creative; your business will not develop otherwise. Also your success in business depends on your practice, your education and your possession of information in world market which change every day. Certainly, a businessman must be very clever and reliable. In other words you must be a large-profile specialist - necessarily to have knowledge of accounts, economy and analytic geometry. Similarly in achieving success in business such character traits, as attentiveness, purposefulness, industriousness, punctuality, ability of co-operating with people, working in a command. But if a person knows how to succeed in business, his character will not be for him a large problem.
From the other side without help from the side nothing will be successful. Because, how intelligent you were not, it’s impossible to know everything and in this you need a team in which everyone is good in particular area. For developing your business you should make more and more new acquaintances, which will bring you profit. and it’s not only during the development but since the beginning.
And one more thing is that you must like your business and follow all its rules in all meanings of this word.